Extent in chief was a proceeding by the crown for recovery of a debt due to it. 主扣押令是通过国王为索取归于他的债务进行的一种程序。
Just as Nato's April summit will reveal the extent of transatlantic unity on hard power, so a financial summit in London just beforehand will be the chief indicator of international co-operation on the economic crisis. 正如北约的四月峰会将显示大西洋两岸在硬实力上的团结程度,同理,稍前在伦敦举行的金融峰会将成为国际合作应付经济危机的重要风向标。
To some extent, the system research plays a role of commander in chief in the organic system of management research. 从某种程度上来说,系统研究在管理研究的有机体系中起着统帅作用。